


esoteric sun

Spiritual Counseling

10 years ago our mission became helping others, which led us to develop our spirituality and energy system. Today, after a long journey of learning and evolution, we give spiritual advice to those who come to us.

Oriental Therapies

Health and wellness

A space dedicated to health and well-being, we use natural methods, with scientifically proven results and benefits. With a vast curriculum and experience in Portugal and abroad, we are always committed to training and our own gifts.


Space for Healing and Spiritual Accompaniment

Our mission is to help you achieve your personal balance, through a spiritual diagnosis, increasing your awareness and perspective on your own life and mission. The entire path that we have traveled over the years of spiritual development, all the knowledge we have acquired and all the practices in which we master are at your disposal through the services and training that we provide.

Master Abilio OA Silva Reiki School

The Master Abílio OA Silva Reiki School aims to develop the teaching and practice of Reiki.

Sensei Abílio de Almeida Silva, Reiki Master founder of the Escola de Reiki Mestre Abílio OA Silva, has a holistic and spiritual path of about 30 years, being part as an associate of some Portuguese Reiki associations and of an International Reiki Federation based in in Spain and trained in Holistic Magic by the Magi Order.

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