Professional Tarot Course - Level I

This is an innovative and complete course that includes the divinatory aspect, as well as the therapeutic aspect (energetic-spiritual, with teachings for the soul).

This millenary knowledge of tradition is rich in symbols and images that go back to the antiquity of the human being, allowing access to the archetypes of the human psyche and the understanding of the energies present in all forms of life.

It is a course that aims and promotes self-knowledge and personal development, and is intended for those who want to use the Tarot in an in-depth way.

Spaces limited to 8 new students per class!

Individual training can be carried out online.



The deck of 78 blades, generically called "Tarot", is a very important tool to obtain a good diagnosis and self-knowledge, which allows identifying and locating disorders of energetic origin, attitudes and postures that condition the behavior of the Being. In a deeper analysis, it also allows to identify, in their combinations, the recurrent existential situations that prevent, delay and block the development of the Being. Thus, the 78 images are concepts that function as “I” or identities, which are organized in certain symbolic patterns, corresponding to the situations we experience. The Tarot is, therefore, a mirror of the soul, its blades are the reflections of the inner life that take shape and show us how our various "I's" are structured in the unconscious and that have an impact on our life at the level of the four planes: Affective, Professional, Health and Personal.



  • love relationship
  • “Agape” relationship (family relationship or friendships)
  • Relationship with Our Inner “I”



  • Businessperson
  • Job
  • Company



  •  energy
  •  Emotional
  •  Physical



  • bad decisions
  • karma
  • Life Purpose



Training comprises a total of 120 hours of training in Vocational Tarot – Level I, distributed as follows:

1 - INTENSIVE AND PRACTICAL TRAINING - 60 face-to-face hours


Self-study: – 30 hours
Practical cases (completion of homework): – 30 hours


Program content

1 - Philosophical principle of tarot
2 – The history of Tarot to the present day
3 – Tarot Principle         
4 – The alphabet of knowledge  
4.1 - Major Arcana        
4.2 - Description and symbolism of the Major Arcana      
5 – The choice of tarot        
6 – Cleaning the tarot         
7 – The energizing of the tarot 
7.1 - Main methods of energizing the tarot        
8 – Shuffle and split the blades  
9 - Direct question method          
10 – The wheel of life 
10.1 - The houses         
10.2 - The meaning of houses      
10.3 – The meaning of house meetings    
10.4 – The meaning of house crossings           
10.5 - Example of circulation and applied divinatory symbolism          
10.6 - Divinatory symbolism applied to astrological houses           
11 - Complementary prints     
11.1 - Cross method       
11.2 - Method of the three central blades in the wheel of life       
12 - Practical classes, exercises and dynamic experiences
13 - Techniques of development and self-knowledge         
14 – The Consecration of the Tarot
15 - Professional Conduct and Ethics

1 - Consolidation exercises and activities
2 - Continuous Assessment Sheets
3 – Final Exam Preparation Form
4 - Final Exam
5 - Mentorship


- All people who want to invest in their personal development, make effective changes in their lives and help others
- Professionals working in the areas of Integrative Therapies.
- Consultants, Trainers, Teachers, Educators, Coaches
- Health professionals (Psychologists, Therapists, Nutritionists…)
- Trainers who intend to teach Tarot training
- People who want to embrace a profession of the future, acting as Professional Tarologists, in a personal or business capacity


Carmen Mendes

Holistic Therapist, Energiologist, Energy Analyst, Coach and Spiritualist. Carmen Mendes was born in Lisbon in 1964 and was early interested in the esoteric and mysterious subjects of life. At the time, still...

Helena Silva

Holistic Therapist, Energiologist, Crystal Therapist, Energy Analyst, Coach and Spiritualist. From a very early age, he realized that he was different from most of his colleagues. He grew up in a conservative environment where...


Registration Fee: €70.00

Class Training:
Option 1 – 100 face-to-face classes lasting 1 hour each.
Price: €150/class

Option 2 – 50 face-to-face classes lasting 2 hours each.
Price: €300/class

Individual Training:
Option 1 – 100 face-to-face classes lasting 1 hour each.
Price: €200/class

Option 2 – 50 face-to-face classes lasting 2 hours each.
Price: €400/class

(Prices valid for Portugal)

The value includes:
1 Tarot
Theoretical-practical support material: Tarot Level I
Complementary sheets of exercises and practical activities
Tarot Level I training manual (given after taking the exam)

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